“Why’s” On a Rainy Day

“Hate the sin, not the sinner.”


hmmm., i’m pretty sure i heard (or maybe read) this somewhere. It makes sense. Yes. It does. But, if you were at the receiving point of that ‘sin’, will you be able to NOT hate the sinner?

Sometimes, it’s just more difficult to do good deeds than evil ones.



I’ve been carrying such thoughts with me for some days now, since I heard a lot of depressing news on tv. Such news aren’t new to me but, it sure got through me this time. Might be because of the weather.

I sent that message above to my friends the day before yesterday. I had a lot of replies out of it. Someone asked me ‘what’s wrong?’ another one teased ‘are you in the middle of a conspiracy, can I join?’ and a confused one said ‘ooh, i know what you did, way to go’ and I was like “WHAT!?” A lot of others agreed with me. One agreed to disagree and I had a late night debate with him about it. A few replied ‘what’s up?’ or ‘how’s life?’.ย  Above them all, only one reply intrigued me so much that it made me call her. The message?

“Why do we hurt the ones we love, and sometimes, feel good about it… ;(“

I asked what’s wrong and she told me everything. Let’s call her Anna. She said her favorite grandmother’s gravely ill, bedridden and IS dying. She’s the one taking care of her. She had to quit her job ’cause her parents are always busy with their business and their close relatives are busy with their lives. They just visit from time to time. Some are out of the country and compromises by providing the financial support. The scenario was fine at first though she had to spend her days at the hospital taking care of her grandma. And spend sometime locked in the comfort room quietly crying (she doesn’t want her grandma to hear her so she covers her face with a pillow when she cries). When her grandma decided to sign a HAMA (home against medical advice), arguing that she wishes to be at home when she passes away, Anna’s world fell apart. At home, she says she enjoys talking back and scolding her grandma. She loves blaming her relatives and making them feel so bad about themselves because they’re not always there for her grandma. Though she’s hurting inside when she does these things, she says it’s her only source of happiness nowadays. Because if she won’t do it, if she won’t act tough, she’d break down into pieces. She just don’t want her grandma to die. And she don’t want to be the only one around when she passes away.

And so we had a long talk. Actually, she did most of the talking and I did most of the listening. It’s what I always do during such situations (well, if not most of it ๐Ÿ˜‰ ). I talked from time to time though. And I had to tell her some important things on death and dying.

After our long conversation, I thought, really, why do we choose to hurt the ones we claim to love? Up to this day, the answer still beats me. I guess, there are some why’s that we choose NOT to answer. Because the answer makes us look within ourselves. And sometimes… we don’t like what we see.

Now, let me know your thoughts on this question. YES, I’m asking you “why do we hurt the ones we love”.

Oh! Before I forget, this might be too late but, HAPPY NEW YEAR!

I tried to make a post about the new year, but I just can’t. I have a lot of thoughts racing in my head but when I think of writing them, they escape me. I just can’t organize them! Some other time, perhaps ๐Ÿ˜‰ Still, this is my first post for 2013 so I feel the need for the greeting. So, again,